Welcome to the "Aesop's Fables + Our Fables" ™ Demo package. A Group-A-Ware™ product. The "Aesop's Fables +" stack is a collection of Aesop's fables as distributed by the Gutenburg Project™ (Project). They have been reformatted into a database form, and can be accessed randomly in the stack. There is even a "Find" function whereby the user can search for titles, or keywords, only. The stack contains a "life of Aesop" and a "Preface" section. Both contain the original text from the Project, as well as simple re-write of some of the information to make it more age-appropriate to our audience. Either is available at the click of a button. It is important that the children read the preface. It explains some of the characteristics of what makes a fable a “Fable”. This is the first step to getting them to make up their own fables. Rather than simply asking the children to read the original fables, we have created the multi-user “Our Fables” stack. Here any child can add a new page, and WRITE THEIR OWN FABLES. The difference between this and a regular word-processor are immense. First, the child never needs to save their work, it is saved automatically. The children never deal with "files", only "fables". All the fables are saved into a single file. Each Fable is tied to it's author. Modification and deletion priveleges are only allowed the author or administrator. Thus your result is a database of fables, created by many children, over any period of time you wish. This is a public document, and can be carried over from year to year. Build an entire database of fables by all the classes in your school, by anyone frequenting your library (or classroom). Your students will learn some rudimentary database search techniques (by title, author, keyword(s)) , something about the Life of Aesop, and some of the characteristics of Fables. As their production is public, they will learn how to revise a document, but, most importantly of all, they will learn to “share” their work with others easily. In sharing work, they will also come to understand how ideas from others are helpful in one’s own work, and the benefits of working in teams, even when doing individual work. Group-A-Ware software never lets the user forget that more than one individual is involved in the production of any document. The others are always over your shoulder, so to speak. It is then up to the local community (class, school) to ensure that this is a positive experience. What are the Limits to the Demo software? This demo version allows for up to 3 users and 10 fables. Otherwise it is exactly the same as the full version.